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Acoustic Analysis of English Vowels with Praat


Acoustic is relating to the sense or organs of hearing, to sound, or to the science of sounds.

A formant (共振峰) is the broad spectral maximum that results from an acoustic resonance of the human vocal tract.

Vowels are letters that represent speech sounds where air leaves the mouth without any blockage by the tongue, lips, or throat.


Phonetic features of vowel
Vowel features describe the height of the tongue in the oral cavity (high, mid, low), the part of the tongue (front, central, back), the degree of tension in the t
ongue and lips (tense/lax).

Vowel examples
[i ] : beat [bijt]
[ɪ ] : bit [bɪt]
[e ]: bait [bejt]
[ε ] : bet [bεt]
[æ] : bat [bæt]
[a ] : cot [kat]  

Our analysis of  format

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